The residency was a huge success! Below is a video of one of our final rehearsals as well as some pictures of the space - check it out! Also below is a the basic notation of the structure we used to create the work - if it proves to be too much, feel free to ignore it. I only shared it for those that enjoy the deciphering process :)
The basic idea is that we all started with 3 choices (in this case, 3 movements) and the whole first section is just various permutations of the 4 of us using our three chosen movements. Then we added an option by giving each movement 3 directions it could face, giving us a total of 9 choices (3 directions for 3 movements). So, the second section is various permutations of our 9 choices. From there we slowly added “tangent” phrases for each direction of each movement. In short, the amount of material we had to work with and the number of different permutations that existed continued to grow throughout the process. This video is a short of sped-up recap of each of the sections - you will not quite see the whole piece but it will give you a good sense of what we are doing. The first three sections are in silence, and then the music kicks in. Enjoy!
"3 to Infinity, part 1" structure:
Step 1: choose three movements
1.1 Avi does A
1.2 Avi, Paul, Marly do A
1.3 cannoned: Avi, Paul, then Tierney do A
1.4 APTM do A in unison
1.5 APTM do A, A goes on to B and C
Step 2: choose 3 directions for each movement
2.1 cannoned: APTM do A1, A2, A3
2.2 APTM in unison do A1, B1, C1
2.3 APTM in unison do A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3
Step 3: make 3 eight count phrases - one for each direction of movement A
3.1 AM do A1 phrase, PT do A1 move slo-mo
3.2 APTM do A1, AM go on to A2
3.3 APTM in unison do A1, A2, A3
3.4 APTM in cannon do A1, A2, A3
Step 4: make 3 eight count phrases - one for each direction of movement B
4.1 AM do A1, B1, B2. PT do A1, B1 slo-mo
4.2 APTM in cannon do B1, B2, B3
4.3 APTM in unison do B1
4.4 APTM in unison do A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3
Step 5: make 3 eight count phrases - one for each direction of movement C
5.1 APTM in unison do A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, B3
Gettin it!
Our incredible studio space!
Family dinner!
Dave's Car "drive me there..."
break time!
Many many thanks to Camille and the whole AZULE crew!